The following rules apply to any and all images uploaded to the Death Battle Wiki.


  • Any images considered inappropriate will be deleted and have necessary consequences imposed upon the uploader.
  • Please only upload images that you are actually going to use.
  • Do not upload duplicate images.
  • All files must be named properly, as outlined below.


The image's file name should be a brief description of whatever is depicted.

Bad file names would be something such as:

  • Saitama_VS_Popeye_Video_001_25475.png
  • 8f5fbcaadd19c11894585a9d870e2568.gif
  • 180px-SM64DS_Scuttle.gif

These filenames are incredibly long, do not say much of what it is about, and would be difficult to find when attempting to search for it.

Good file names include:

  • Saitama Sprite Appearance VS Popeye.png
  • Jin Kazama Devil Form.png
  • Luigi Scuttle Jump.gif

These filenames are a brief description of whatever it is showing and are relatively easy to find.

In the case of personal products such as thumbnails or tier lists, their filenames should be marked with whomever it belong to. Titling the image with its proper name is not necessary, as long as it can be easily identified and found.

  • Luigi VS Pac-Man Tsukuyomi-141.png
  • Luigi VS Pac-Man V2 Tsukuyomi-141.png
  • 8-Bit Ghostbusters Tsukuyomi-141.png
  • Season 9 Tier List Tsukuyomi-141.png

In the case of official thumbnails, they should always have the matchup name, alongside OFFICIAL marking it as an official thumbnail.

  • Madara VS Aizen OFFICIAL.jpg
  • Mario VS Sonic (2018) OFFICIAL.jpg

Fight Galleries

  • Any episode prior to Beast VS Goliath is not to be given a fan thumbnail gallery.
  • Fan thumbnail galleries are not to be edited after an episode has released on Rooster Teeth.
  • Do not submit anyone else's thumbnails under their name unless they have asked for it. You can only submit a thumbnail you have created onto the gallery.
  • Do not submit meme thumbnails or anything non-related to the combatants involved in the gallery.
  • As of 2022, a user can only have up to two of their thumbnails in the fan gallery.
