
This article is about the Castlevania character. For the Hellsing character, see Alucard (Hellsing).

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Alucard to Richter Belmont

Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş, also known as Alucard, is one of the main protagonists of the Castlevania series. He appeared in the 36th episode of DBX, Alucard VS Demitri, where he fought against Demitri Maximoff from the Darkstalkers series.


Adrian Fahrenheit Ţepeş was born as the dhampir son of the vampire lord Dracula and a human woman named Lisa. Although he inherited his father's powers, he lacked his cruelty, thanks to the parenting of his mother. One day, she was killed by the townspeople for being mistaken for a witch, using her dying words to tell her son to not hate or harm humans. However, Dracula began preparing for war against humans as revenge and trained his son to be a warrior in his army. But thanks to his mother's words, Adrian would instead turn against his father and fight against his army, taking on the name "Alucard" in order to represent that he was the opposite of his father.



Arsenal and Abilities


  • Alucard is the third Konami character to appear in DBX, after Raiden and White Bomberman.
    • He is the second Konami character to win, after Raiden.

External Links

DBX Combatants
Season 1 Icon.trish Trish - Icon.jeanne Jeanne | Icon.masterchief Master Chief - Icon.jangofett Jango Fett | Icon.ronaldmcdonald Ronald McDonald - Icon.colonelsanders Colonel Sanders | Icon.amyrose Amy Rose - Icon.dedede King Dedede | Icon.saitama Saitama + Icon.genos Genos - Icon.kenshiro Kenshiro | Icon.sakuraharuno Sakura Haruno - Icon.rintohsaka Rin Tohsaka | Icon.trunks Trunks - Icon.silver Silver the Hedgehog | Icon.ryu Ryu - Icon.lucario Lucario | Icon.sasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Icon.hiei Hiei | Icon.brucelee Bruce Lee - Icon.liukang Liu Kang + Icon.feilong Fei Long + Icon.rocklee Rock Lee + Icon.marshalllaw Marshall Law + Icon.hitmonlee Hitmonlee | Icon.spider-man Spider-Man - Icon.mikasa Mikasa Ackerman | Icon.jotaro Jotaro Kujo - Icon.yu Yu Narukami | Icon.donaldtrump Donald Trump - Icon.hillaryclinton Hillary Clinton | Icon.terrybogard Terry Bogard - Icon.jontalbain Jon Talbain | Icon.spawn Spawn - Icon.halucard Alucard | Icon.predator Predator - Icon.prophet Prophet
Season 2 Icon.ironman Iron Man - Icon.megamanx Mega Man X | Icon.kenshin Kenshin Himura - Icon.zoro Roronoa Zoro | Icon.greninja Greninja - Icon.espio Espio the Chameleon | Link - Icon.metaknight Meta Knight | Icon.genji Genji - Icon.mgraiden Raiden | Icon.guile Guile - Icon.paulphoenix Paul Phoenix | Icon.raphael Raphael - Icon.wolverine Wolverine | Icon.zbroly Broly - Icon.doomsday Doomsday | Icon.aigis Aigis - Icon.noel Noel Vermillion | Cloud Strife - Icon.guts Guts | Icon.kidsasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Icon.killua Killua Zoldyck | Icon.megaman Mega Man - Icon.bomberman Bomberman | Icon.mario Mario - Icon.luigi Luigi | Zero - Icon.strider Strider Hiryu | Icon.ironfist Iron Fist - Icon.akuma Akuma | Icon.ken Ken Masters - Icon.blaziken Blaziken | Icon.samusaran Samus Aran - Icon.masterchief Master Chief | Icon.wiifittrainer Wii Fit Trainer - Icon.dhalsim Dhalsim | Icon.magneto Magneto - Icon.darthvader Darth Vader | Icon.vegeta Vegeta - Icon.zod Zod | Icon.calucard Alucard - Icon.demitri Demitri Maximoff | Icon.noctis Noctis - Icon.2b 2B | Icon.greekkratos Kratos - Icon.dante Dante | Icon.captainfalcon Captain Falcon - Icon.viewtifuljoe Viewtiful Joe | Icon.gokublack Goku Black - Icon.blackadam Black Adam
Season 3 Icon.gambit Gambit - Icon.taskmaster Taskmaster | Icon.laracroft Lara Croft - Icon.jillvalentine Jill Valentine | Icon.krillin Krillin - Icon.tien Tien Shinhan - Icon.yamcha Yamcha | Icon.chun-li Chun-Li - Icon.tifa Tifa Lockhart | Icon.thor Thor - Icon.pikachu 100 Pikachu | Icon.hulk Hulk - Icon.juggernaut Juggernaut | Icon.blade Blade - Icon.hellboy Hellboy | Icon.luffy Monkey D. Luffy - Icon.mrfantastic Mr. Fantastic | Icon.daredevil Daredevil - Icon.kenshi Kenshi | Icon.harley Harley Quinn - Icon.domino Domino | Icon.akame Akame - Icon.killua Killua Zoldyck | Icon.yoshi Yoshi - Icon.pac-man Pac-Man | Icon.natsu Natsu Dragneel - Icon.iceman Iceman | Icon.amyrose Amy Rose - Icon.sakuraharuno Sakura Haruno | Icon.juri Juri Han - Icon.mileena Mileena | Icon.vergil Vergil - Icon.hakumen Hakumen | Icon.chie Chie Satonaka - Icon.karin Karin Kanzuki | Icon.redranger Red Ranger + Icon.blueranger Blue Ranger + Icon.yellowranger Yellow Ranger + Icon.pinkranger Pink Ranger + Icon.blackranger Black Ranger + Icon.thundermegazord Thunder Megazord - Icon.domonkasshu Domon Kasshu + Icon.burninggundam Burning Gundam | Icon.batman Batman - Icon.scorpion Scorpion | Icon.sasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Icon.ichigo Ichigo Kurosaki | Icon.wolverine Wolverine - Icon.baraka 100 Barakas | Icon.halucard Alucard - Icon.dio DIO | Icon.catwoman Catwoman - Icon.blackcat Black Cat | Icon.ruby Ruby Rose - Icon.ragna Ragna the Bloodedge | Icon.bendy Bendy - Icon.cuphead Cuphead
Season 4 Icon.teengohan Gohan - Icon.superboy Superboy | Icon.dva D.Va - Icon.tronbonne Tron Bonne | Icon.metalsonic Metal Sonic - Icon.megaman Mega Man | Icon.boahancock Boa Hancock - Icon.ridermedusa Rider | Icon.venom Venom - Icon.spawn Spawn | Link - Icon.trunks Trunks | Icon.ezio Ezio - Icon.princeofpersia The Prince | Icon.blake Blake Belladonna - Icon.inuyasha Inuyasha | Icon.frieza Frieza - Icon.mewtwo Mewtwo | Icon.batman Batman - Icon.ironman Iron Man
Season 5 Icon.vegeta Vegeta - Icon.thor Thor | Icon.mulan Mulan - Icon.lucina Lucina | Icon.shantae Shantae - Icon.shovelknight Shovel Knight | Icon.lucario Lucario + Icon.butterfree Butterfree - Icon.serena Serena + Icon.blaziken Blaziken + Icon.weavile Weavile + Icon.nidoking Nidoking | Icon.kidgoku Goku - Icon.gon Gon Freecss | Icon.ben10 Ben 10 - Icon.dannyphantom Danny Phantom | Icon.kenshin Kenshin Himura - Trafalgar Law | Icon.yang Yang Xiao Long - Icon.bakugou Katsuki Bakugo | Icon.x-wing X-Wing - Fox McCloud + Icon.arwing Arwing | Icon.superman Superman - Icon.saitama Saitama
Season 6 Icon.vegito Vegito - Icon.gogeta Gogeta | Icon.ness Ness - Icon.sans Sans | Icon.naruto Naruto Uzumaki - Icon.ryuhayabusa Ryu Hayabusa | Icon.apocalypse Apocalypse - Icon.blackadam Black Adam | Icon.donald Donald Duck - Icon.daffy Daffy Duck | Icon.zuko Zuko - Icon.roymustang Roy Mustang | Icon.sailormercury Sailor Mercury - Icon.blueranger Blue Ranger | Icon.palpatine Palpatine - Icon.xehanort Xehanort | Icon.goomba Goomba - Icon.koopa Koopa
Scrapped Icon.sun Sun Wukong - Icon.kimwu Kim Wu