
I understand it all now! The true reason for my wrath! I could not stand it! There is always some fool who wants to rule the world! Always forcing others to do what they cannot do for themselves! That's why I pray to no one! Nor will I be prayed to! But above all else, I will never forgive you for making my daughter cry! This is your end!!
Asura to Chakravartin

Asura is the main protagonist of the Asura's Wrath series. He will appear in the 192nd episode and '25 Premiere of Death Battle, Kratos VS Asura, where he will fight against Kratos from the God of War series.


12,000 years ago, the demigod Asura lived a happy life alongside his wife and daughter as the Guardian General of Wrath in the Army of Shinkoku. After subduing a giant beast, Asura was summoned by the emperor himself. However, upon his arrival, the emperor died in Asura's arms, branding him as the murderer and a traitor. His former comrades started attacking him, and Asura fled to his home, only to find his wife mortally wounded. With her last breath, she asked Asura to save their daughter, which only made him suffer further. His daughter was imprisoned by his former fellow Guardian Generals, and their commander, Deus, revealed that he was the Emperor's real killer before plunging Asura into Naraka, a land of the dead. His wife had perished, his daughter was kidnapped, and his reputation had been utterly ruined for 12,000 years, until Asura finally awakened in Naraka without most of his memories, but filled with pure, nigh-uncontrollable, vengeance-fueled rage. He escaped back to the mortal realm and made a vow: to kill every single one of his former comrades for betraying him and destroying his family.

Death Battle Info



Arsenal and Abilities



  1. Join us for Kratos vs Asura, our 3D matchup poll runner-up!
    Kratos VS Asura | DEATH BATTLE Cast #319 Description
  2. He was almost in this current seasons final episode, but we decided to do something a bit more fun! Asura is going to be in a DB one day though, I'm pretty positive about that.
    Sam Mitchell, Death Battle the Game AMA

External Links

Death Battle Combatants
Season 1 Icon.bobafett Boba Fett - Icon.samusaran Samus Aran | Icon.akuma Akuma - Icon.shangtsung Shang Tsung | Icon.rogue Rogue - Icon.wonderwoman Wonder Woman | Icon.goomba Goomba - Icon.koopa Koopa | Icon.haggar Haggar - Icon.zangief Zangief | Icon.leonardo Leonardo - Icon.donatello Donatello - Icon.michelangelo Michelangelo - Icon.raphael Raphael | Icon.zitz Zitz - Icon.leonardo Leonardo | Icon.yoshi Yoshi - Icon.riptor Riptor | Icon.felicia Felicia - Icon.taokaka Taokaka | Icon.greekkratos Kratos - Icon.spawn Spawn | Icon.bomberman Bomberman - Icon.digdug Dig Dug | Icon.vegeta Vegeta - Icon.shadow Shadow the Hedgehog | Icon.mario Mario - Icon.sonic Sonic the Hedgehog | Icon.justinbieber Justin Bieber - Icon.rebeccablack Rebecca Black | Icon.lukeskywalker Luke Skywalker - Icon.harrypotter Harry Potter | Icon.chun-li Chun-Li - Icon.mai Mai Shiranui | Icon.starscream Starscream - Icon.rainbowdash Rainbow Dash | Icon.masterchief Master Chief - Icon.doomguy Doomguy | Icon.eggman Doctor Eggman + Icon.eggmanempire Eggman Empire + Icon.metalsonic Metal Sonic - Icon.wily Doctor Wily + Icon.wilyarmy Wily Army | Icon.zelda Princess Zelda - Icon.peach Princess Peach | Icon.thor Thor - Icon.mkraiden Raiden | Link - Cloud Strife | Icon.batman Batman - Icon.spider-man Spider-Man | Icon.ashpikachu Pikachu - Icon.blanka Blanka | Icon.goku Goku - Icon.superman Superman
Season 2 Icon.he-man He-Man - Icon.lion-o Lion-O | Icon.shaokahn Shao Kahn - Icon.mbison M. Bison | Icon.ryuhayabusa Ryu Hayabusa - Icon.strider Strider Hiryu | Icon.ivy Ivy Valentine - Icon.orchid Black Orchid | Fox McCloud - Icon.buckyohare Bucky O'Hare | Icon.terminator Terminator - Icon.robocop RoboCop | Icon.luigi Luigi - Icon.tails Tails | Icon.venusaur Venusaur - Icon.blastoise Blastoise - Icon.charizard Charizard | Icon.fulgore Fulgore - Icon.sektor Sektor | Icon.godzilla Godzilla - Icon.gamera Gamera | Icon.batman Batman - Icon.captainamerica Captain America | Icon.tommyoliverwhite White Ranger + Icon.saba Saba + Icon.tigerzord Tigerzord - Icon.zechsmerquise Zechs Merquise + Icon.gundamepyon Gundam Epyon | Icon.ryu Ryu - Icon.scorpion Scorpion | Icon.deadpool Deadpool - Icon.deathstroke Deathstroke | Icon.kirby Kirby - Icon.majinbuu Majin Buu | Icon.ragna Ragna the Bloodedge - Icon.sol Sol Badguy | Icon.gaara Gaara - Icon.toph Toph | Icon.bobafett Boba Fett - Icon.samusaran Samus Aran | Icon.chuck Chuck Norris - Icon.segata Segata Sanshiro | Icon.guts Guts - Icon.nightmare Nightmare | Icon.ironman Iron Man + Icon.jarvis J.A.R.V.I.S. - Icon.lex Lex Luthor | Icon.beast Beast - Icon.goliath Goliath | Icon.solidsnake Solid Snake + Icon.otacon Otacon - Icon.samfisher Sam Fisher + Icon.grim Grim | Icon.darthvader Darth Vader - Icon.doctordoom Doctor Doom | Icon.goku Goku - Icon.superman Superman | Icon.donkeykong Donkey Kong - Icon.knuckles Knuckles the Echidna | Icon.wolverine Wolverine - Icon.mgraiden Raiden | Icon.herculesatan Hercule Satan - Icon.danhibiki Dan Hibiki | Icon.yang Yang Xiao Long - Icon.tifa Tifa Lockhart | Icon.megaman Mega Man - Icon.astroboy Astro Boy | Icon.greenarrow Green Arrow - Icon.hawkeye Hawkeye | Red + Icon.charizard Charizard - Icon.tai Tai + Icon.agumon Agumon
Season 3 Icon.dante Dante + Icon.trish Trish - Icon.bayonetta Bayonetta + Icon.jeanne Jeanne | Icon.bowser Bowser - Icon.ganondorf Ganondorf | Icon.ratchet Ratchet + Icon.clank Clank - Icon.jak Jak + Icon.daxter Daxter | Icon.flash Flash - Icon.quicksilver Quicksilver | Icon.thejoker Joker - Icon.sweettooth Sweet Tooth | Icon.mewtwo Mewtwo - Icon.shadow Shadow the Hedgehog | Icon.meta Meta - Icon.carolina Carolina + Icon.epsilon Epsilon | Icon.cammy Cammy White - Icon.sonya Sonya Blade | Icon.tracer Tracer - Icon.scout Scout | Icon.ken Ken Masters - Icon.terrybogard Terry Bogard | Icon.amyrose Amy Rose - Icon.ramonaflowers Ramona Flowers | Icon.hulk Hulk - Icon.doomsday Doomsday | Icon.zoro Roronoa Zoro - Icon.erza Erza Scarlet | Icon.deadpool Deadpool - Icon.pinkiepie Pinkie Pie
Season 4 Icon.laracroft Lara Croft - Icon.nathandrake Nathan Drake | Icon.scrooge Scrooge McDuck - Icon.shovelknight Shovel Knight | Icon.venom Venom - Icon.bane Bane | Icon.redranger Red Ranger + Icon.blueranger Blue Ranger + Icon.yellowranger Yellow Ranger + Icon.pinkranger Pink Ranger + Icon.blackranger Black Ranger + Icon.megazord Megazord - Icon.keith Keith + Icon.lance Lance + Icon.hunk Hunk + Icon.allura Allura + Icon.pidge Pidge + Icon.voltron Voltron | Icon.natsu Natsu Dragneel - Icon.ace Portgas D. Ace | Icon.subzero Sub-Zero - Icon.glacius Glacius | Icon.android18 Android 18 - Icon.captainmarvel Captain Marvel | Icon.metalsonic Metal Sonic - Zero | Icon.lucario Lucario - Icon.renamon Renamon | Icon.balrog Balrog - Icon.tjcombo TJ Combo | Icon.shredder Shredder - Icon.silversamurai Silver Samurai | Icon.smokey Smokey Bear - Icon.mcgruff McGruff the Crime Dog | Icon.thor Thor - Icon.wonderwoman Wonder Woman | Icon.naruto Naruto Uzumaki + Icon.kurama Kurama - Icon.ichigo Ichigo Kurosaki | Icon.batmanbeyond Batman Beyond + Icon.oldbrucewayne Bruce Wayne - Icon.spiderman2099 Spider-Man 2099 + Icon.lyla Lyla | Icon.sephiroth Sephiroth - Icon.vergil Vergil
Season 5 Icon.blackpanther Black Panther - Icon.batman Batman | Icon.raven Raven - Icon.twilight Twilight Sparkle | Icon.jotaro Jotaro Kujo - Icon.kenshiro Kenshiro | Icon.crash Crash Bandicoot + Icon.akuaku Aku Aku - Icon.spyro Spyro the Dragon | Icon.sora Sora - Icon.pit Pit | Icon.leon Leon Kennedy - Icon.frankwest Frank West | Icon.strange Doctor Strange - Icon.fate Doctor Fate | Icon.ryu Ryu - Icon.jin Jin Kazama | Icon.samuraijack Samurai Jack - Icon.afrosamurai Afro Samurai | Icon.carnage Carnage - Icon.lucy Lucy | Icon.optimus Optimus Prime - Icon.amuro Amuro Ray + Icon.rx782gundam Gundam | Icon.nightwing Nightwing - Icon.daredevil Daredevil | Icon.mario Mario - Icon.sonic Sonic the Hedgehog | Icon.ultron Ultron - Icon.sigma Sigma | Icon.roshi Master Roshi - Icon.jiraiya Jiraiya + Icon.gamabunta Gamabunta | Icon.thanos Thanos - Icon.darkseid Darkseid
Season 6 Icon.aquaman Aquaman - Icon.namor Namor | Icon.megaman Mega Man - Icon.megamanx Mega Man X - Icon.volnutt MegaMan Volnutt - Icon.megamanexe MegaMan.EXE - Icon.starforce Star Force Mega Man | Icon.blackwidow Black Widow - Icon.widowmaker Widowmaker | Icon.captainmarvel Captain Marvel - Icon.shazam Shazam | Icon.wario Wario - Icon.dedede King Dedede | Icon.ben10 Ben 10 - Icon.greenlantern Green Lantern | Icon.weiss Weiss Schnee - Icon.mitsuru Mitsuru Kirijo | Icon.johnnycage Johnny Cage - Icon.captainfalcon Captain Falcon | Icon.aang Aang - Icon.edwardelric Edward Elric | Icon.ghostrider Ghost Rider - Icon.lobo Lobo | Icon.tommyolivergreen Green Ranger + Icon.dragonzord Dragonzord - Icon.akaneyashiro Akane Yashiro + Icon.mechagodzilla Mechagodzilla | Icon.sasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Icon.hiei Hiei | Icon.ganondorf Ganondorf - Icon.dracula Dracula | Icon.mob Mob - Icon.tatsumaki Tatsumaki | Icon.deadpool Deadpool - Icon.mask The Mask | Icon.allmight All Might - Icon.mightguy Might Guy
Season 7 Icon.milesmorales Miles Morales - Icon.static Static | Icon.blackcanary Black Canary - Icon.sindel Sindel | Icon.leonardo Leonardo - Icon.redranger Red Ranger | Icon.genos Genos - Icon.warmachine War Machine | Icon.gray Gray Fullbuster - Icon.esdeath Esdeath | Icon.goro Goro - Icon.machamp Machamp | Icon.cable Cable - Icon.boostergold Booster Gold | Icon.obiwan Obi-Wan Kenobi - Icon.kakashi Kakashi Hatake | Icon.dannyphantom Danny Phantom - Icon.jakelong Jake Long | Icon.she-ra She-Ra - Icon.wonderwoman Wonder Woman | Icon.beerus Beerus - Icon.galaxia Sailor Galaxia | Icon.zuko Zuko - Icon.todoroki Shoto Todoroki | Icon.wally Flash - Icon.archiesonic Sonic the Hedgehog | Icon.queenmaeve Queen Maeve - Icon.a-train A-Train - Icon.thedeep The Deep - Icon.starlight Starlight - Icon.butcher Billy Butcher | Icon.wintersoldier Winter Soldier - Icon.redhood Red Hood | Icon.venom Venom - Icon.crona Crona | Icon.sabrewulf Sabrewulf - Icon.jontalbain Jon Talbain | Icon.sarge Sarge + Icon.simmons Simmons + Icon.grif Grif + Icon.donut Donut + Icon.lopez Lopez - Church + Icon.tucker Tucker + Icon.texas Tex + Icon.sheila Sheila + Icon.caboose Caboose | Icon.batgirl Batgirl - Icon.spider-gwen Spider-Gwen | Icon.sanji Sanji - Icon.rocklee Rock Lee | Icon.hulk Hulk - Icon.broly Broly
Season 8 Icon.yoda Yoda - Icon.kingmickey King Mickey | Icon.shadow Shadow the Hedgehog - Icon.ryuko Ryūko Matoi + Icon.senketsu Senketsu | Icon.lex Lex Luthor - Icon.doctordoom Doctor Doom | Icon.heihachi Heihachi Mishima - Icon.geese Geese Howard | Icon.blake Blake Belladonna - Icon.mikasa Mikasa Ackerman | Icon.ironfist Iron Fist - Icon.po Po | Icon.stevenuniverse Steven Universe - Icon.starbutterfly Star Butterfly | Link - Cloud Strife | Icon.batman Batman - Icon.ironman Iron Man | Icon.gokublack Goku Black - Icon.reverse-flash Reverse-Flash | Icon.randysavage Macho Man - Icon.kool-aid Kool-Aid Man | Icon.dio DIO - Icon.halucard Alucard | Icon.akuma Akuma - Icon.shaokahn Shao Kahn | Icon.korra Korra - Icon.storm Storm | Icon.madara Madara Uchiha - Icon.aizen Sōsuke Aizen | Icon.saitama Saitama - Icon.popeye Popeye
Season 9 Icon.harley Harley Quinn - Icon.jinx Jinx | Icon.scarletwitch Scarlet Witch - Icon.zatanna Zatanna | Icon.tanjiro Tanjiro Kamado - Icon.jonathan Jonathan Joestar | Icon.thor Thor - Icon.vegeta Vegeta | Icon.omniman Omni-Man - Icon.homelander Homelander | Icon.magneto Magneto - Icon.tetsuo Tetsuo Shima | Icon.heracles Hercules - Icon.sunwukong Sun Wukong | Icon.bobafett Boba Fett - Icon.predator Predator | Icon.excalibur Excalibur + Icon.lotus Lotus - Icon.mgraiden Raiden | Icon.jamesbond James Bond - Icon.johnwick John Wick | Icon.blackadam Black Adam - Icon.apocalypse Apocalypse | Icon.xenotrunks Trunks - Icon.archiesilver Silver the Hedgehog | Icon.spongebob SpongeBob SquarePants - Icon.superfriendsaquaman Aquaman | Icon.jasonvoorhees Jason Voorhees - Icon.michaelmyers Michael Myers | Icon.sauron Sauron - Icon.lichking Lich King | Icon.midoriya Deku - Icon.asta Asta | Icon.gogeta Gogeta - Icon.vegito Vegito
Season 10 Icon.ant-man Ant-Man - Icon.atom Atom | Icon.chosenundead Chosen Undead - Icon.dovahkiin Dragonborn | Icon.killua Killua Zoldyck - Icon.misakamikoto Misaka Mikoto | Icon.stitch Stitch - Icon.rocketraccoon Rocket Raccoon | Icon.darthvader Darth Vader - Icon.obito Obito Uchiha | Icon.jeangrey Phoenix - Icon.raven Raven | Icon.guts Guts - Icon.dimitri Dimitri | Icon.martianmanhunter Martian Manhunter - Icon.silversurfer Silver Surfer | Icon.billcipher Bill Cipher - Icon.discord Discord | Icon.colemacgrath Cole MacGrath - Icon.alexmercer Alex Mercer | Icon.frieza Frieza - Icon.megatron Megatron | Icon.satorugojo Satoru Gojo - Icon.makima Makima | Icon.scooby Scooby-Doo - Icon.courage Courage | Icon.rick Rick Sanchez - Icon.thedoctor The Doctor | Icon.goku Goku - Icon.superman Superman | Icon.galactus Galactus - Icon.unicron Unicron
Death Battle '24 Icon.omniman Omni-Man - Icon.bardock Bardock | Icon.joker Joker - Icon.giorno Giorno Giovanna | Icon.bowser Bowser + Icon.koopatroop Koopa Troop - Icon.eggman Doctor Eggman + Icon.eggmanempire Eggman Empire | Icon.crewmate Crewmates - Icon.impostor The Impostors - Icon.fallguy Fall Guys
Death Battle '25 Icon.kratos Kratos - Icon.asura Asura | Icon.wileecoyote Wile E. Coyote - Icon.tom Tom | Icon.light Light Yagami - Icon.columbo Columbo | Icon.masterchief Master Chief - Icon.doomslayer Doom Slayer | Icon.mahito Mahito - Icon.shigaraki Tomura Shigaraki | Icon.aang Aang - Icon.traveler Traveler | Icon.ashketchum Ash Ketchum + Icon.ashpikachu Pikachu - Icon.yugi Yugi Muto + Icon.yamiyugi Yami Yugi | Icon.simon Simon the Digger + Icon.gurrenlagann Gurren Lagann - Icon.kylerayner White Lantern | Icon.ruby Ruby Rose - Icon.maka Maka Albarn + Icon.soul Soul Evans | Icon.hulk Hulk - Icon.godzilla Godzilla | Icon.feloniusgru Gru - Icon.megamind Megamind