
Time travel warriors clash and only one will leap into victory's history book!

Cable VS Booster Gold is the 126th episode of Death Battle, featuring Cable from Marvel Comics and Booster Gold from DC Comics in a battle between time-traveling superheroes. Cable was voiced by Dave J. Dixon and Booster Gold was voiced by Ricco Fajardo.


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Wiz & Boomstick
by Brandon Yates
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We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Wiz: Mankind has always looked to the past with regret for mistakes, and to the future for the chance to correct them. But what if the past and future could be visited at the same time?

Boomstick: I'd say buckle up, but where we're goin', we don't need seatbelts. Wait a minute, is that the right quote?

Wiz facepalms as we cut to the combatants' name cards.

Wiz: Cable, the time-traveling warrior mutant from Marvel.

Boomstick: And Booster Gold, the greatest DC Comics hero you've never heard of.

We cut back to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.


CD Icon
Gun Culture
by Terry Devine-King
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Wiz: Our convoluted story begins with the supervillain Mister Sinister.

Boomstick: With a name like that, you'd just be disappointed if he wasn't a supervillain.

Wiz: In an attempt to destroy another supervillain, Apocalypse, Sinister planned to create the ultimate mutant.

Boomstick: So he decided to, um... breed the X-Men Scott Summers and Jean Grey. Alright weirdo, I mean, they're already in a relationship.

Wiz: Just one little problem. By the time Sinister was ready, Jean... was kind of dead.

Boomstick: No problem for Mister Sinny! He just cloned Jean, got the new her in bed with Cyclops, and bam! Out popped Nathan Summers, Marvel's ultimate baby!

Wiz: Of course, we're talking about comic books here, so Jean eventually came back to life. After dumping the clone, Scott and Jean decided to raise baby Nate together.

Boomstick: Aw, how nice. I love happy endings.

Wiz: Until Nate was kidnapped by, ironically, Apocalypse. Apocalypse infected Nate with the Techno-Organic Virus, a liquid metal that converts organic tissue into cold, unfeeling steel.

Boomstick: It's basically cyborg herpes. And just like the real thing, there was no cure. Trust me. Until a lady from the future showed up!

Wiz: Long story short, Scott and Jean allowed Nate to be taken 2,000 years into the future, in hopes of a cure. Unfortunately, there wasn't one, because the future world was ruled by, of course, Apocalypse.

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by Tom Quick & Martyn Bentley
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Boomstick: So now, poor Nate's got an incurable robot virus and is stranded in a post-apocalyptic Apocalypse future. What a rip-off.

Wiz: Well, it's not all bad. As the Techno-Organic Virus took over Nathan's body, it enhanced his strength, speed, and endurance. Most notably, he gained a powerful metal arm and a cybernetic eye that can see in infrared, track objects two miles away, and fire lasers.

Boomstick: And if any part of his robo-self is damaged, he can just put it back together lickity-split.

Wiz: He's more than just a cyborg, though. His training in the future turned him into an incredible hand-to-hand combatant and tactical genius.

Boomstick: And like any good 90s comic book hero, he often comes to fights packin' some totally awesome heat. Machine guns, laser guns, a doohickey that can control dinosaurs, what more would you need? He became a gritty savior of the future, where everyone knew him by one name: Cable.

Wiz: Unfortunately, despite being in the future, he was running out of time. The virus would eventually overtake his body and destroy him.

Boomstick: Good thing Cable's not just any mutant; he's an Omega-level mutant, which means his power is ultra maximum level.

Wiz: Thanks to his parentage, Cable possesses incredible telekinetic power. He can move objects with his mind, create force fields, disassemble complex technology, and even manipulate matter down to the atomic level.

Boomstick: He uses this TK power to keep the techno virus at bay. Yeah, he's constantly pushing the virus back, 24/7. How does he do that in his sleep?

Wiz: His telekinetic powers are so strong, that he once stopped 247 enormous missiles, contained their explosions, and then funneled them out of the atmosphere.

Boomstick: Badass! He's also a telepath who can read and control minds on a planet-wide level. He could even shut your brain off if he doesn't like you. Wish I could do that to Wiz.

We hear him struggling.

Wiz: Good luck with that. He's capable of ionizing the entire planet's atmosphere all by himself, and his psionic powers extend even further. He can physically displace his body through both time and space, allowing him to teleport and time travel.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: It was those timey-wimey powers that let Cable visit the 20th century where he met the X-Men, joining their fight for a better future in our past.

Wiz: And that's how he found alternate versions of himself, like a clone named Stryfe, a timeline where he was a she named Rachel, and another Nathan Gray who was called X-Man.

Boomstick: Wow, really... really breakin' the bank on the name of that guy, huh?

Wiz: Pretty gutsy to name himself after the entire franchise.

They see a picture of X-Man with a beard and long hair.

Boomstick: Hey Wiz, uh... is that Jesus?

Wiz: It is! Oh my God!

Boomstick: Holy shit! (covers the picture) Be careful of what you say in front of mutant Jesus!

We cut back to the analysis.

CD Icon
Dead Meat
by Chris Egan & Andrew Cooksley
YouTube IconAudioNetwork Icon

Wiz: Ahem, X-Man's potential is incredible, a showcase of the almighty power Cable could have, if not for the Techno-Organic Virus.

Boomstick: So Cable said "Screw this bullshit!" and straight-up pulled the virus out of himself. What did he even grab onto?

Wiz: Literally rearranging his DNA to do so, which... is impossible! Across the 70 trillion cells in an average human body, there are over 200,000 pairs of DNA. But somehow, over the course of a day, Cable could comprehend and manipulate each and every one!

Boomstick: Yeah, that's why I said "hardcore"! Without that dumb virus dickin' him over, he's lifted a giant metal island into the sky, broke the Silver Surfer's board, and could even move planets.

Wiz: To move the Earth out of its solar orbit by 10%, Cable would have to generate 470 decillion joules of energy, about 112 septillion tons of TNT.

Boomstick: That's 24 zeroes, bitches! He's fast enough to fight the Silver Surfer and was tough enough to survive the Incredible Hulk.

Wiz: But even with all this power, Cable knew he could never truly save the future. However, he did eventually find hope.

Boomstick: Yeah, like, literally, i-it's a girl named "Hope".

Wiz: After so much time alone, he had finally found a family to protect. Whether it be past, present, or future, Cable will always be fighting for a better tomorrow.

Cable: Remember it, Apocalypse. The name's Cable.

Booster Gold

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by Joe Kraemer
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Wiz: Booster Gold is a hero, an icon, a brand. He's a vigilante protecting the streets of Metropolis, and also the head of his own PR company. He's a wink and a catchphrase, he's fame and fortune incarnate.

Boomstick: But the number one thing to know about Booster Gold... he's 100% full of shit!

CD Icon
Shades Of Grey
by Tom Quick
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Wiz: Michael John Carter was your average star college football player... from the 25th century.

Boomstick: His future in the future was bright, until his mother caught a devastating illness they couldn't afford to treat.

Wiz: Forced into a corner, Michael was caught betting on his own games in order to pay for the treatment.

Boomstick: Shoulda moved to future Canada.

Wiz: While his mother did survive, Michael found himself in jail. After his time, he just managed to land a job as a security guard at the Metropolis Space Museum and stumbled upon the exhibit on 20th-century superheroes.

CD Icon
Hit The Top
by Barrie Gledden, Chris Bussey, Kes Loy & Richard Kimmings
YouTube IconAudioNetwork Icon

Boomstick: Which inspired him to become a superhero too! Uh, kind of. Actually, he stole all the hero tech he could, and turns out, it was the real deal. Including a goddamn time machine! Oh yeah, great idea, let's just leave that shit lying around in the museum that hires ex-cons as security!

Wiz: Alongside his own C-3P0 bot Skeets, Michael took a trip to the past. He used his knowledge of future events to profit off the stock market and form his own company, Goldstar Incorporated.

Boomstick: Ah, that's pretty clever of him. Clever like a fox? Because Michael J. Fox played... the guy from Back to the Future, and then... he went back, and... sports almanac...

Wiz: This PR firm and merchandising house would eventually introduce him as a self-made superhero celebrity: Goldstar.

Boomstick: Except Ronald Reagan misheard the name as Booster Gold, and it stuck. Well, now he sounds like a trading card pack.

Wiz: Don't get the wrong idea, Michael didn't initially become a superhero for altruistic means. Even Superman, the most positive man alive, believed Booster Gold to be a huge dick.

Boomstick: Who could blame him? Booster didn't care about helping people. He just wanted to make a fortune on problems he already knew would happen. Sports almanac, remember?

Wiz: Luckily, he wasn't all talk. His stolen technology was incredibly advanced.

Boomstick: Like his power suit, which, despite making him look like a huge tool, increases his strength, speed, and toughness to superhuman levels.

Wiz: His main offensive gear includes energy gauntlets, both of which can fire uni-directional blasts known as... Booster Shots. Really leaning into that brand synergy, huh?

Boomstick: And if an enemy is gettin' a little handsy, he can redirect the gauntlet's energy through his suit, zapping the shit out of anything it touches. Or it can amp up his strength even more. He's just gotta be careful not to run out of fuel.

Wiz: His goggles include heat vision, infrared, and x-ray. And his Legion Flight Ring allows him to... you know.

Boomstick: But at the end of the day, Booster's still an ordinary guy. He's like if Iron Man were a dumb loser. He'd get his ass kicked on a daily basis if he didn't have his nifty force field belt.

Wiz: Potentially his most important tool of all. Booster's force field is an impenetrable wall of continual energy so dense that not even bacteria can pass through.

Boomstick: It can shrug off physical and energy attacks, as well as weirder stuff like mind control.

Wiz: From the likes of Maxwell Lord, no less. A telepath powerful enough to brainwash the entire planet.

Boomstick: Booster can even remove his force field and wrap it around somethin' else. To protect them, or to crush them into nothingness! Like my heart after seventh grade prom...

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick, the former of whom is seen holding the belt and with a force field around him as the latter throws various items that bounce off it, such as a Batarang and a kitchen sink.

Wiz: Perhaps his suit's most bizarre ability is his mass dispersion field.

He pushes the button, the field turns blue as Boomstick hefts up an anvil and throws it, it vanishes as it hits the field, Boomstick looks around confusedly.

Wiz: Instead of blocking attacks, this field absorbs matter and spits it back out. Obviously, if applied to a human being, the results would be...

The anvil is spat back out and nails Boomstick, alongside knocking off his hat.

Boomstick: Me... at my seventh grade prom...

He collapses. We then cut back to the analysis.

CD Icon
Battle Tank
by Chris Egan & Trystan Francis
YouTube IconAudioNetwork Icon

Wiz: And while Booster originally needed a time machine to travel to the past, he has since integrated temporal circuitry into his suit, allowing him to travel the timestream at will, or just stop it entirely. He can even hang out with his past and future selves.

Boomstick: Booster managed to fight alongside the Justice League. There, he met fellow D-lister Blue Beetle, kickin' off the most wholesome bromance ever.

Wiz: To be fair, Booster wasn't just an empty charlatan. Sure, he used his future technology to pretend he had superpowers, but as time went on, his acts of heroism became real, and often required sacrifice. Perhaps his friendship with Blue Beetle helped mold him into the selfless hero he later became.

Boomstick: As much of a doofus as he can be, he's also kicked his fair share of ass. He's managed to go toe-to-toe with heavy hitters like Doomsday and Maxima.

Wiz: He's moved quick enough to dodge beams of light, even flying fast enough to keep up with Flash, and tap into the Speed Force. You know, the extra-dimensional energy field that controls all kinetic energy in the multiverse?

Boomstick: And his force field is no joke. It took hits from gods like Trigon, and even withstood a blast that was breaking down the Earth at the subatomic level.

Wiz: It doesn't make him invincible. His force field is powered by the same energy source as his gauntlets, so using too much of either will deplete the other.

Boomstick: He's also a huge showboat, and will take any opportunity he can to get rich quick, like the time he and Blue Beetle stole Justice League funds to set up a casino on a tropical island, which... turned out to be alive. True story. It was weird.

Wiz: Booster's story is, if anything, the journey to humility. After years of hero work, he was offered membership with the Justice League of America. And yet, he turned it down, knowing the damage such a thing could do to history.

Boomstick: Instead, Booster chose to travel the timestream, repairing its cracks and saving the multiverse. His-his mom was pretty proud of him.

Wiz: The important thing is that he chose a life he could not publicize. He'd be saving the world behind the scenes. It may not have been what he originally planned, but Booster Gold would ultimately become the greatest hero you've never heard of.

Booster Gold: I am Booster Gold, the greatest hero you've never heard of... 'til now!


Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: But first, we're gonna tell ya how you can boost your game in the kitchen!

Wiz and Boomstick read out an advertisement for Blue Apron.

Boomstick: But right now, IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLEEE!!!

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.


(The transcript below is exclusive to the YouTube version of the episode.)

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.

Boomstick: But first, we're gonna tell ya how you can boost your game in the kitchen!

Wiz and Boomstick read out an advertisement for Blue Apron.

Boomstick: But right now, IT'S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLEEE!!!

(The transcript below is exclusive to the Rooster Teeth version of the episode.)

Wiz: Alright, the combatants are set and we've run the data through all possibilities.


Death Battle

CD Icon
Days of Booster Past
by Brandon Yates
YouTube IconSpotify Icon

In the middle of a city, Booster Gold is seen standing in front of a bank with a tied up criminal, waving to the press and his cheering fans in front of him. Suddenly in a flash of light, Cable appears in front of Booster, attracting the attention of the surrounding people. Booster Gold notices eyes are off him and speaks to Cable.

Booster Gold: H-hey, uh, buddy? Do you mind? You're hogging my spotlight here.

Cable: You look like an idiot.

Booster is shocked by Cable's comment as he begins walking away to the right, with the crowd following him. He catches up and whispers as Cable continues to march forward.

Booster Gold: Oh-ho, I get it. You want to take on the champ to boost your street cred, right? Oh, Okay.

To Cable's surprise, Booster assumes a combative pose right in front of him.

Booster Gold: Well, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!

Annoyed, Cable threatens him.

Cable: The pavement will be stained with your blood.

Booster Gold: Ah-ha... What?

Cable punches Booster Gold with his cybernetic arm, hard enough to send him crashing into the front of a building.

Booster Gold: Wait, is this guy serious?!

Cable takes out his gun and begins rapidly firing at Booster Gold, who activates his suit's force fields to deflect all the bullets. As he charges forward, Booster stops to listen to the crowd's cheers.

Booster Gold: Ha ha ha ho! Thank you! Thank you!

Cable stops firing and grows impatient as his cybernetic arm charges before attempting to crush Booster between two trucks with telekinesis. As Booster attempts to push them away, Cable charges and pushes his opponent and the two vehicles into a building.

On the other side, Cable begins to combo Booster into the air and punches him into the ground to shoot him, but Booster's shields deflect all the attacks before pushing Cable away. Cable enlarges his cybernetic arm and attempts to punch his foe, but Booster Gold uses his gauntlet to stop time before strutting up to Cable.

Booster Gold: Alright, douchebag! You want some of this?!

He lands multiple punches as Cable remains frozen.

Booster Gold: Ha ha! Hoo! Let's see... how far... you fly!!!

Booster touches his gauntlet to resume time, but Cable does not budge an inch, let alone lose his footing, which Booster is shocked by.

Cable: You hit like a girl.

Cable hits Booster in the gut with a temporally charged punch, sending him through a portal. Booster Gold screams as he is sent into the far future crashing on flying cars. Cable appears on one of the cars holding his large beam rifle.

Booster Gold: Did you just punch me into next week?! Or, a MILLION next weeks?!

Cable fires his rifle at his Booster, who flies and tries firing a Booster Shot that Cable deflects with his force field. Cable takes control of dozens of flying cars in the sky and directs all of them towards his fellow time traveler. Booster manages to avoid serious damage by leaping off the vehicles until he arrives at Cable's. He lands two blows before Cable grabs his fist.

Cable: I'm ending this farce!

Cable transports them to the distant past and throws Booster towards a tree. When Booster comes to, he finds Cable standing on top of a Tyrannosaurus rex approaching him.

Booster Gold: Aww, come on!

The dinosaur tries to eat Michael, but he uses his force fields to prevent the beast's jaws from chomping him.

Cable: I set this up while you were playing roadkill. Funny how time travel works.

Booster Gold: Oh hey! I can do that, too!

With a new idea, Booster presses his gauntlet and suddenly disappears from the dinosaur's mouth. Suddenly, dozens of Booster Golds appear on the ground surrounding Cable and the T-Rex.

Booster Gold: In fact, it's kinda my thing. So, here's an army of me's from every second we've fought so far!

The army of Boosters charges forward and knocks down the dinosaur, bringing Nate back to the ground. He fires his beam rifle at the time clones, who respond by firing Booster Shots, both projectiles of which collide and cause a large explosion in the area. When the dust settles, several of the Booster clones begin leaping towards and punching Cable, sending him flying back.

Cable: Enough! Turn those shields off!

Angered, Cable finally relents to telepathy and attempts to control his opponent and his clones.

Booster Gold: Ohh nooo! A voice in my head! Must... remove... force field! NOOOOO!

Booster is seemingly forced to turn his defense off, giving Cable the opening he needs.

Cable: Finally. Your time just ran out.

Cable takes out his beam rifle and attempts to finish Booster off, but his shot ends up hitting something invisible.

Cable: What?!

Booster Gold: Oh, wait, did you think you made me turn my force field off? Nah. It's too strong for that. I gave it to you!

Booster Gold traps Cable in a separate force field that begins constricting his body. Cable walks forward slowly cursing an unamused Booster Gold in his dying breath.

Cable: I'll... see you in hell... you goddamn golden asshole!

Booster's force field constricts completely, crushing Cable's body into paste. After that, Booster Gold proceeds to return to the present and continues saluting to fans and journalists.

Booster Gold: Ha ha! Booooooster-rific!

Ko season 3


CD Icon
Days of Booster Past
by Brandon Yates
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We cut to Boomstick looking at the monitor in confusion and surprise.

Boomstick: Wha- Ahh, no... seriously?

Wiz: I know it seems ridiculous, but—

Boomstick: Seriously! How did that golden dingus beat mutant Jesus?!

Wiz: Well... (sighs) It sounds crazy at first, but Booster Gold actually had everything he needed to take Cable out.

We cut to the post-analysis.

Boomstick: Cable's powers were way more versatile and deadly than Booster's, and his lifetime of experience in the trenches made him the more well-rounded soldier overall.

Wiz: But Booster had plenty of deadly weaponry in his own right, though his saving grace was that force field.

Boomstick: Sure, that thing's survived some crazy stuff.

Wiz: Including every single thing in Cable's arsenal. For example, Cable's telekinesis could move a planet and rearrange cells, right? Well, Booster's force field survived planetary destruction at the subatomic level. Similar to a nuclear bomb, but on a massive scale worth about 14 tenatons of TNT. Over 100,000 times greater than Cable's power output.

Boomstick: That's 40 f***ing zeros, bitches! Holy mutant Jesus! And remember, his gloves use the same energy as the shield, so that means Booster is packin' some serious heat.

Wiz: Even in Cable's fight with the Silver Surfer, while he managed to keep up for a short while, once the Surfer got serious, the fight was over pretty quick.

Boomstick: Meanwhile, Boosty's over here in the same league as speedsters like Flash, and I know what you're thinking, "What about Cable's mind-control powers?" Well, Boosty's shield protected him from Maxwell Lord.

Wiz: Whose mental powers, like Cable's, could also span an entire planet.

We cut to Wiz and Boomstick.

Boomstick: Yeah, Cable looked a lot better on paper, but he just didn't have a surefire way to put Booster down for good. And Booster had exactly what he needed to nab a victory.

Wiz: This is one of the awkward things about comparing heroes from different franchises. Cable may be a gritty badass, and Booster may be a silly goofball, but those distinctions mostly matter in their own worlds. In Death Battle, we have to compare them directly, and sometimes, that means a hero no one's ever heard of wins.

Boomstick: Booster didn't just win, he took home the Gold.

Wiz rolls his eyes, albeit with a small smile, as we cut to the "Winner" card.

Wiz: The winner is Booster Gold.

Original Track

CD Icon
Days of Booster Past
by Brandon Yates
YouTube IconSpotify Icon
Days of Booster Past HQ


The track for this fight is "Days of Booster Past" by Brandon Yates. It is a futuristic-sounding techno-rock piece reflecting both combatants' being from the future.


The title is a nod to both combatants being time-traveling heroes, as well as a reference to the famous X-Men storyline "Days of Future Past" (which also features time travel), with "Future" replaced with "Booster" to reference Booster Gold.

Cover Art

The cover art done by Luis Cruz depicts a golden star (Booster Gold's insignia) infected by Cable's Techno-Organic Virus. Behind it are some time-travel-esque swirls representing the combatants' main gimmick of traveling through time.



  • The core connections between Cable and Booster Gold are that they are both time-traveling comic book superheroes from the future who traveled to the past. Both utilize high-tech tools from the future in their arsenals and commonly operate in the street tier of their universes, but their true potential is comparable to some of the strongest characters of their universes. In addition:
    • Both are descended from superheroes (Cyclops and Supernova, respectively).
    • Both coincidentally made their comic book debut in early 1986.
    • This is also a battle of opposites, as while Cable is deadly serious and traveled back in time to prevent an apocalyptic future, Booster Gold is a lighthearted jokester who only traveled back in order to take advantage of his future technology and become famous.

Easter Eggs

  • Boomstick’s line in the interlude “I'd say buckle up, but where we're goin', we don't need seatbelts” is a reference to the iconic line “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads” from Back to the Future.
  • Boomstick's line that Cable's energy output has "24 zeroes, bitches!" is a call-back to the Goku VS Superman 1, where Boomstick said an identical line regarding the amount of energy Superman could survive.
  • The trucks that Cable uses to try and crush Booster Gold with are the Eggman Movers trucks from Toy Story.
  • The depiction of Booster Gold's time stop is a reference to the Stasis ability from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, right down to Cable flashing yellow (which turns more red after Booster hits him a couple of times), a similar ticking-down chime, and Booster trying to launch Cable away like how one would use the ability on objects in-game.
  • In the scene where Cable and Booster Gold travel to the future, a clock displaying the time 12:12PM can be seen, which could be a reference to how the fight begins when the video is at exactly 12 minutes and 12 seconds. However, this is only true for the Rooster Teeth version of the episode, as the sponsorship ads in the YouTube version push the moment of the fight to a little under three minutes later.
  • Booster Gold using time travel to his advantage after Cable tells him about his own time travel abilities may be a reference to the infamous climax of Ben 10 VS Green Lantern, where Green Lantern travels back in time to the beginning of the fight to kill Ben Tennyson after Alien X tells Hal about his own ability to manipulate time.
    • Booster's line before he travels through time to recruit his army of time-displaced selves, "Oh hey! I can do that, too!", is even similar to Hal's infamous "Time, huh? Thanks for the tip." line before he himself went back in time to kill Ben, fitting as Booster Gold had been mistaken for Green Lantern in the past.
    • Booster's quote from this moment in the fight would later be used by Boomstick in Hercules VS Sun Wukong in the latter's analysis.


  • Because Cable's sprite flips in spite of the asymmetrical nature of his design, his organic and robotic arms are swapped from how they should be whenever he's facing left, similarly to the game the sprites came from.


Season 1 1 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran2 Akuma VS Shang Tsung3 Rogue VS Wonder Woman4 Goomba VS Koopa5 Haggar VS Zangief6 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale7 Zitz VS Leonardo8 Yoshi VS Riptor9 Felicia VS Taokaka10 Kratos VS Spawn11 Bomberman VS Dig Dug12 Vegeta VS Shadow13 Mario VS Sonic14 Justin Bieber VS Rebecca Black14.5 DEATH BATTLE! vs The World15 Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter16 Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui17 Starscream VS Rainbow Dash18 Master Chief VS Doomguy19 Eggman VS Wily20 Zelda VS Peach21 Thor VS Raiden22 Link VS Cloud23 Batman VS Spider-Man24 Pikachu VS Blanka25 Goku VS Superman
Season 2 26 He-Man VS Lion-O27 Shao Kahn VS M. Bison28 Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu29 Ivy VS Orchid30 Fox McCloud VS Bucky O'Hare31 Terminator VS RoboCop32 Luigi VS Tails32.5 Vegeta VS Mewtwo?33 Pokémon Battle Royale34 Fulgore VS Sektor35 Godzilla VS Gamera36 Batman VS Captain America37 Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon38 Ryu VS Scorpion39 Deadpool VS Deathstroke40 Kirby VS Majin Buu41 Ragna VS Sol Badguy42 Gaara VS Toph43 Boba Fett VS Samus Aran44 Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro45 Guts VS Nightmare46 Iron Man VS Lex Luthor47 Beast VS Goliath48 Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher49 Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom50 Goku VS Superman 251 Donkey Kong VS Knuckles52 Wolverine VS Raiden53 Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki54 Yang VS Tifa55 Mega Man VS Astro Boy56 Green Arrow VS Hawkeye57 Pokémon VS Digimon
Season 3 58 Dante VS Bayonetta59 Bowser VS Ganon60 Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter61 Flash VS Quicksilver62 Joker VS Sweet Tooth63 Mewtwo VS Shadow64 Meta VS Carolina65 Cammy VS Sonya66 Tracer VS Scout67 Ken VS Terry68 Amy Rose VS Ramona Flowers69 Hulk VS Doomsday70 Zoro VS Erza71 Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie
Season 4 72 Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake73 Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight74 Venom VS Bane75 Power Rangers VS Voltron76 Natsu VS Ace77 Sub-Zero VS Glacius78 Android 18 VS Captain Marvel79 Metal Sonic VS Zero80 Lucario VS Renamon81 Balrog VS TJ Combo82 Shredder VS Silver Samurai83 Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog84 Thor VS Wonder Woman85 Naruto VS Ichigo86 Batman Beyond VS Spider-Man 209987 Sephiroth VS Vergil
Season 5 88 Black Panther VS Batman89 Raven VS Twilight Sparkle90 Jotaro VS Kenshiro91 Crash VS Spyro92 Sora VS Pit93 Leon Kennedy VS Frank West94 Doctor Strange VS Doctor Fate95 Ryu VS Jin96 Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai97 Carnage VS Lucy98 Optimus Prime VS Gundam99 Nightwing VS Daredevil100 Mario VS Sonic101 Ultron VS Sigma102 Roshi VS Jiraiya103 Thanos VS Darkseid
Season 6 104 Aquaman VS Namor105 Mega Man Battle Royale106 Black Widow VS Widowmaker107 Captain Marvel VS Shazam108 Wario VS King Dedede109 Ben 10 VS Green Lantern110 Weiss VS Mitsuru111 Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon112 Aang VS Edward Elric113 Ghost Rider VS Lobo114 Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla115 Sasuke VS Hiei116 Ganondorf VS Dracula117 Mob VS Tatsumaki118 Deadpool VS Mask119 All Might VS Might Guy
Season 7 120 Miles Morales VS Static121 Black Canary VS Sindel122 Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason123 Genos VS War Machine124 Gray VS Esdeath125 Goro VS Machamp126 Cable VS Booster Gold127 Obi-Wan Kenobi VS Kakashi128 Danny Phantom VS American Dragon Jake Long129 She-Ra VS Wonder Woman130 Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia131 Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki132 Flash VS Sonic132.5 The Seven Battle Royale133 Winter Soldier VS Red Hood134 Venom VS Crona135 Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain136 Red VS Blue137 Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen138 Sanji VS Rock Lee139 Hulk VS Broly
Season 8 140 Yoda VS King Mickey141 Shadow VS Ryuko142 Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom143 Heihachi Mishima VS Geese Howard144 Blake VS Mikasa145 Iron Fist VS Po146 Steven Universe VS Star Butterfly147 Link VS Cloud148 Batman VS Iron Man149 Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash150 Macho Man VS Kool-Aid Man151 DIO VS Alucard152 Akuma VS Shao Kahn153 Korra VS Storm154 Madara VS Aizen155 Saitama VS Popeye
Season 9 156 Harley Quinn VS Jinx157 Scarlet Witch VS Zatanna158 Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar159 Thor VS Vegeta160 Omni-Man VS Homelander161 Magneto VS Tetsuo162 Hercules VS Sun Wukong163 Boba Fett VS Predator163.5 Excalibur VS Raiden164 James Bond VS John Wick165 Black Adam VS Apocalypse166 Trunks VS Silver167 SpongeBob VS Aquaman168 Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers169 Sauron VS Lich King170 Deku VS Asta171 Gogeta VS Vegito
Season 10 172 Ant-Man VS Atom173 Skyrim VS Dark Souls174 Killua VS Misaka175 Stitch VS Rocket Raccoon176 Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha177 Phoenix VS Raven178 Guts VS Dimitri179 Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer180 Bill Cipher VS Discord181 Cole MacGrath VS Alex Mercer182 Frieza VS Megatron183 Gojo VS Makima184 Scooby-Doo VS Courage the Cowardly Dog185 Rick Sanchez VS The Doctor186 Goku VS Superman187 Galactus VS Unicron
Death Battle '24 188 Omni-Man VS Bardock189 Joker VS Giorno190 Bowser VS Eggman*
Death Battle '25 ??? Wile E. Coyote VS Tom Cat* • ??? Kratos VS Asura* • ??? Light VS Columbo* • ??? Master Chief VS Doom Slayer* • ??? Mahito VS Shigaraki* • ??? Aang VS Traveler* • 200 Ash VS Yugi* • ??? Simon the Digger VS White Lantern* • ??? Ruby VS Maka* • ??? Hulk VS Godzilla* • ??? Gru VS Megamind*
*Currently unreleased