
The Presidential Candidates duke it out in a brutal battle to the DEATH! Surprisingly, it may be more civil than the debates...

Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton is the 12th episode of DBX, featuring real life politicians Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a battle between the 2016 United States presidential candidates.


On a public outdoor stage, the two 2016 United States presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, engage in a fierce battle for the presidency. A large TV screen behind them shows that the vote tally is tied. As tension builds, the election host steps forward, pulls out a piece of paper, and reads it aloud to the two.

Host: And now, a question from the audience: "Between the two of you, who would win in a fight?"

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Stardust Crusaders
by Yugo Kanno
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Assured of his impending victory, Trump lets out a triumphant chuckle.

Trump: (laughs) I'm-a gonna win!

Clinton, unimpressed, lets out a mocking laugh, finding Trump’s overconfidence absurd. Growling furiously, Trump wrenches his lectern from the ground. With a sharp glare, Clinton follows suit, kicking hers free. In a dramatic showdown, they hurl their lecterns at each other, triggering a small explosion as the crowd erupts in cheers

Fight DBX

As Clinton rushes towards her rival, Trump simulates the Earth Style: Mud Wall jutsu from Naruto, clapping his hands together and slapping one of them on the ground while emitting a jolt of electricity. As he does so, four stereotypically-dressed Mexicans carrying bags come to his aid, using bricks to build a small wall between Trump and Clinton. Trump proceeds to peek from the wall in a menacing fashion with a flaming background. However, there is an awkward silence for a brief moment as the music comes to a halt.

Trump: Ah...

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Stardust Crusaders
by Yugo Kanno
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Trump grabs the Mexicans one by one and throws them at Clinton.

Trump: Get outta here! Good luck!

Clinton easily dodges the Mexicans as she makes her way to Trump.

Mexican: My leg!

Clinton delivers a powerful kick, shattering the wall in front of Trump. The two immediately engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat, but Trump quickly overpowers her, sending her crashing to the ground. As Clinton struggles to rise, a mobster handcuffs her, while another tosses Trump a shotgun. Trump fires at Clinton, but with impressive agility, she leaps out of the line of fire, narrowly dodging the bullets. In a swift move, she positions herself just right, and one of the shots strikes her handcuffs, shattering them and setting her free. With her hands usable once more, she throws a letter at Trump, which knocks away his shotgun.

The two collide in a fierce fistfight, but Clinton’s punch lands with such force that it blasts Trump’s arm clean off, leaving him in stunned disbelief. Before she can attack again, Trump's arm somehow regenerates as he pulls out a basket. Curious, Clinton searches through the basket, only to accidentally set off a grenade that explodes in a cloud of smoke, causing the audience to panic and run away. As the smoke clears, Clinton's charred, lifeless body lies on the ground, appearing to have been defeated. However, it's revealed to be a decoy, as the real Clinton suddenly emerges from behind the stage curtains. The screen zooms in to reveal a badge on the decoy saying "HILLARY CLINTON (BODY DOUBLE)".

As Clinton chuckles over her ruse, she looks up and is shocked to see a giant mech in Trump's image appear, with the words "TRUMPEX MACHINA" appearing on-screen.

Trump: Wohohaha!

The TrumpEx Machina pulls out a giant shotgun from its back as a terrified Clinton emits a Toad's cry. Before the robot can fire its energy beam, Clinton takes out a briefcase with the words "[FACT CHECKER]" plastered onto it. She pulls out a giant RPG, preparing to fire it at Trump.

Clinton: Ahaha!

Trump: Have a rotten day!

The TrumpEx Machina fires a massive blue energy ball from its shotgun, while Clinton's RPG unleashes a powerful blue energy beam. The two attacks collide in a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating the city and leaving it in ruins. In the aftermath, both Trump and Clinton, bloodied and barely alive, lie in the wreckage. Trump weakly struggles to his feet, tending to his wounds, while Clinton drags her battered body across the ground with one arm before dying. As Trump attempts to approach her, he slips on his own blood, collapsing to the floor before succumbing to his injuries. Moments later, Captain America lands in the midst of the devastation, understandably horrified at the corpses of the two presidential candidates and the destruction they’ve wrought.

Captain America: What the FUCK, guys?!

The scene shifts to a peaceful tree, where a talking bald eagle perches on its nest, revealing the aftermath of Trump and Clinton's devastating battle.

Eagle: And that's how Captain America became President of the United States... forever. (caws)

The eagle caws as it flies away.



Easter Eggs


DBX Episodes
Season 1 0 Trish VS Jeanne1 Master Chief VS Jango Fett2 Ronald McDonald VS Colonel Sanders3 Amy Rose VS King Dedede4 Saitama VS Kenshiro5 Sakura VS Rin Tohsaka6 Trunks VS Silver7 Ryu VS Lucario8 Sasuke VS Hiei9 Bruce Lee VS The World10 Spider-Man VS Mikasa11 Jotaro VS Yu12 Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton13 Terry Bogard VS Jon Talbain14 Spawn VS Alucard15 Predator VS Prophet
Season 2 16 Iron Man VS Mega Man X17 Kenshin VS Zoro18 Greninja VS Espio19 Link VS Meta Knight20 Genji VS Raiden21 Guile VS Paul Phoenix22 Raphael VS Wolverine23 Broly VS Doomsday24 Aigis VS Noel Vermillion25 Cloud VS Guts26 Sasuke VS Killua27 Mega Man VS Bomberman28 Mario VS Luigi29 Zero VS Strider30 Iron Fist VS Akuma31 Ken VS Blaziken32 Samus VS Master Chief33 Wii Fit Trainer VS Dhalsim34 Magneto VS Darth Vader35 Vegeta VS Zod36 Alucard VS Demitri37 Noctis VS 2B38 Kratos VS Dante39 Captain Falcon VS Viewtiful Joe40 Goku Black VS Black Adam
Season 3 41 Gambit VS Taskmaster42 Lara Croft VS Jill Valentine43 Krillin VS Tien VS Yamcha44 Chun-Li VS Tifa Lockhart45 Thor VS 100 Pikachu46 Hulk VS Juggernaut47 Blade VS Hellboy48 Luffy VS Mr. Fantastic49 Daredevil VS Kenshi50 Harley Quinn VS Domino51 Akame VS Killua52 Yoshi VS Pac-Man53 Natsu VS Iceman54 Amy VS Sakura55 Juri VS Mileena56 Vergil VS Hakumen57 Chie VS Karin58 Burning Gundam VS Thunder Megazord59 Batman VS Scorpion60 Sasuke VS Ichigo61 Wolverine VS 100 Barakas62 Alucard VS Dio Brando63 Catwoman VS Black Cat64 Ruby Rose VS Ragna the Bloodedge65 Ryu VS Liu Kang66 Bendy VS Cuphead
Season 4 67 Gohan VS Superboy68 D.Va VS Tron Bonne69 Metal Sonic VS Mega Man70 Boa Hancock VS Rider Medusa71 Venom VS Spawn72 Link VS Trunks73 Ezio VS The Prince74 Blake VS Inuyasha75 Frieza VS Mewtwo76 Batman VS Iron Man
Season 5 77 Vegeta VS Thor78 Mulan VS Lucina79 Shantae VS Shovel Knight80 Lucario VS Blaziken81 Goku VS Gon82 Ben 10 VS Danny Phantom83 Kenshin VS Law84 Yang VS Bakugo85 X-Wing VS Arwing86 Superman VS Saitama
Season 6 87 Vegito VS Gogeta88 Ness VS Sans89 Naruto Uzumaki VS Ryu Hayabusa90 Apocalypse VS Black Adam91 Donald VS Daffy92 Zuko VS Roy93 Sailor Mercury VS Blue Ranger94 Palpatine VS Xehanort95 Goomba VS Koopa 2
Scrapped ??? Sun Wukong VS Kim Wu