
In episode 7 of DBX Two super swordsmen strike out at each other in this weeks DBX!!! It's Kenshin VS Law!

Kenshin VS Law is the 83rd episode of DBX, featuring Kenshin Himura from the Rurouni Kenshin series and Trafalgar Law from the One Piece series in a battle between anime swordsmen.


The scene opens with the lights flickering on in the arena and the camera panning over to reveal the large crowd of people watching the show. Ringmaster makes his appearance as he steps onto the main stage and walks towards his microphone which he then grabs in order to properly introduce himself to his audience.

Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MY Arena where there's no rules, no research, only bloodshed! I am Ringmaster! Your announcer, your host extraordinaire for this extravaganza! And let me welcome you, to, the EXHIBITION!!! In today's match, we have two skilled fighters driven by their tragic pasts, to become the man they are today. In this corner, we have the selfless samurai, the pacifist warrior, the legendary swordsman, Kenshin Himura! And in the other corner, we have one of the Worst Generation, a cruel, yet skilled combatant, the pirate with a 500 million Beri bounty, Trafleh... Trafel... LAW!!!


Ringmaster: Now, let's size up the competition for these two battlin' badasses! During the Meiji revolution, Kenshin was a legendary assassin, eh, but then he felt a little bad for killing tons of people and decided to wander around searching for redemption, vowing to never kill again. Hah!

We see an animation of Ringmaster holding his microphone and a katana as he tosses the katana upward and slicing it down while showing a smile.

Ringmaster: Wow, we're gonna make that a little hard for him, huh? Heh heh. Despite all the boring pacifism, this soft-spoken swordsman is actually crazy strong! Just because he doesn't kill people anymore doesn't mean he can't beat the hell out of them! And his guilt to being a murder machine somehow makes him even more deadly! Law's no stranger to death either though, he thought he was gonna die from the Amber lead poison that killed his sister!

We see an animation of Ringmaster holding a bucket of Amber lead paint while wearing Law's coat and hat, the former having some splatters on the bottom, before tossing the paint aside and showing off his smile.

Ringmaster: Watch out for that lead-based paint, folks. Oh! But then he ate a Devil Fruit, definitely not given to him by a talking snake, and that made him all better! Already an awesome pirate, he's a killer swordsman, which he combines with abilities from his forbidden fruit to telekinetically throw things around before slicing them up, Fruit Ninja-style! Oh! And he can do spooky shit, like switching people's bodies around Freaky Friday-style! Looks like fighting him could be a real out-of-body experience! Will we see epic swordsmanship? Is one of these killers gonna get sliced up like sashimi? Hah! Now I'm hungry so, without further ado, let the exhibition BEGIN!!!




  • The core connection between Kenshin and Law is that they are both anime swordsmen with dark pasts who avoid killing unless absolutely necessary.
  • This episode was supposed to be released in 2017 by PsychoDino, but was scrapped due to the file being corrupted.
    • Kenshin was slated to win in the original version.


DBX Episodes
Season 1 0 Trish VS Jeanne1 Master Chief VS Jango Fett2 Ronald McDonald VS Colonel Sanders3 Amy Rose VS King Dedede4 Saitama VS Kenshiro5 Sakura VS Rin Tohsaka6 Trunks VS Silver7 Ryu VS Lucario8 Sasuke VS Hiei9 Bruce Lee VS The World10 Spider-Man VS Mikasa11 Jotaro VS Yu12 Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton13 Terry Bogard VS Jon Talbain14 Spawn VS Alucard15 Predator VS Prophet
Season 2 16 Iron Man VS Mega Man X17 Kenshin VS Zoro18 Greninja VS Espio19 Link VS Meta Knight20 Genji VS Raiden21 Guile VS Paul Phoenix22 Raphael VS Wolverine23 Broly VS Doomsday24 Aigis VS Noel Vermillion25 Cloud VS Guts26 Sasuke VS Killua27 Mega Man VS Bomberman28 Mario VS Luigi29 Zero VS Strider30 Iron Fist VS Akuma31 Ken VS Blaziken32 Samus VS Master Chief33 Wii Fit Trainer VS Dhalsim34 Magneto VS Darth Vader35 Vegeta VS Zod36 Alucard VS Demitri37 Noctis VS 2B38 Kratos VS Dante39 Captain Falcon VS Viewtiful Joe40 Goku Black VS Black Adam
Season 3 41 Gambit VS Taskmaster42 Lara Croft VS Jill Valentine43 Krillin VS Tien VS Yamcha44 Chun-Li VS Tifa Lockhart45 Thor VS 100 Pikachu46 Hulk VS Juggernaut47 Blade VS Hellboy48 Luffy VS Mr. Fantastic49 Daredevil VS Kenshi50 Harley Quinn VS Domino51 Akame VS Killua52 Yoshi VS Pac-Man53 Natsu VS Iceman54 Amy VS Sakura55 Juri VS Mileena56 Vergil VS Hakumen57 Chie VS Karin58 Burning Gundam VS Thunder Megazord59 Batman VS Scorpion60 Sasuke VS Ichigo61 Wolverine VS 100 Barakas62 Alucard VS Dio Brando63 Catwoman VS Black Cat64 Ruby Rose VS Ragna the Bloodedge65 Ryu VS Liu Kang66 Bendy VS Cuphead
Season 4 67 Gohan VS Superboy68 D.Va VS Tron Bonne69 Metal Sonic VS Mega Man70 Boa Hancock VS Rider Medusa71 Venom VS Spawn72 Link VS Trunks73 Ezio VS The Prince74 Blake VS Inuyasha75 Frieza VS Mewtwo76 Batman VS Iron Man
Season 5 77 Vegeta VS Thor78 Mulan VS Lucina79 Shantae VS Shovel Knight80 Lucario VS Blaziken81 Goku VS Gon82 Ben 10 VS Danny Phantom83 Kenshin VS Law84 Yang VS Bakugo85 X-Wing VS Arwing86 Superman VS Saitama
Season 6 87 Vegito VS Gogeta88 Ness VS Sans89 Naruto Uzumaki VS Ryu Hayabusa90 Apocalypse VS Black Adam91 Donald VS Daffy92 Zuko VS Roy93 Sailor Mercury VS Blue Ranger94 Palpatine VS Xehanort95 Goomba VS Koopa 2
Scrapped ??? Sun Wukong VS Kim Wu