Mahito VS Shigaraki is an upcoming episode of Death Battle, featuring Mahito from the Jujutsu Kaisen series and Tomura Shigaraki from the My Hero Academia series in a battle between physically and socially destructive hand-themed anime villains.
Wiz & Boomstick
by Brandon Yates |
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Tomura Shigaraki
Death Battle
We cut to the "Winner" card.
Wiz: The winner is...
Original Track
The track for this fight is "???" by ???.
The title references...
Cover Art
The cover art depicts...
- The core connections between Mahito and Shigaraki are that they are both blue-haired anime villains with the ability to affect a person's body through their touch (Idle Transfiguration and Decay, respectively), making a single touch from them fatal, and can summon a multitude of hands as part of their powers (Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection and Quirk Singularity, respectively); as a result, both have a hand aesthetic. Both are proud members of their series' main antagonistic group (Cursed Spirits and Villains, respectively) which seek to upturn the standards of society by defeating their series' main protagonist group dedicated to taking them down (Jujutsu Sorcerers and Heroes, respectively). In addition:
- Both are arch-enemies to their series' main protagonist (Yuji Itadori and Izuku Midoriya, respectively), whose heroic personalities they despise. They are cruel and torturous toward them, having beaten them both physically and mentally while also questioning the difference between their opposing factions.
- Despite their philosophies about the soul and heroism, both are actually rather childish.
- Both served under a higher power who was actually just using them to further their own powers (Kenjaku and All For One, respectively), and ended up being betrayed and having their body/powers taken by them.
- Both use horribly mutilated humans-turned-monsters as minions (Transfigured Humans and Nomus, respectively).
- This episode was confirmed during the Save Death Battle Kickstarter, having been the $300,000 stretch goal reward alongside another unrevealed episode.
- This is the 20th Anime-themed episode, after Zoro VS Erza, Natsu VS Ace, Lucario VS Renamon, Naruto VS Ichigo, Jotaro VS Kenshiro, Roshi VS Jiraiya, Sasuke VS Hiei, Mob VS Tatsumaki, All Might VS Might Guy, Gray VS Esdeath, Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia, Sanji VS Rock Lee, DIO VS Alucard, Madara VS Aizen, Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar, Deku VS Asta, Gogeta VS Vegito, Killua VS Misaka, and Gojo VS Makima, and with the next one being Ash VS Yugi.
- This is the 13th Hitotsubashi-themed episode, after Naruto VS Ichigo, Jotaro VS Kenshiro, Roshi VS Jiraiya, Sasuke VS Hiei, Mob VS Tatsumaki, All Might VS Might Guy, Sanji VS Rock Lee, Madara VS Aizen, Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar, Deku VS Asta, Gogeta VS Vegito, and Gojo VS Makima.