Omni-Man VS Bardock is an upcoming episode of Death Battle, featuring Omni-Man from the Invincible series and Bardock from the Dragon Ball series in a battle between alien warrior fathers of great heroes.
Wiz & Boomstick
by Brandon Yates |
Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
Death Battle
We cut to the "Winner" card.
Wiz: The winner is...
Original Track
The track for this fight is "???" by ???.
The title references...
Cover Art
The cover art depicts...
- The core connections between Omni-Man and Bardock are that they are both members of an alien warrior race who conquer planets, usually killing off their populations as they do so (Viltrumites and Saiyans, respectively), and are fathers to powerful champions on Earth (Invincible and Son Goku, respectively). Both were initially loyal to their empires and emperors (the Viltrum Empire led by Thragg and the Frieza Force led by Frieza, respectively) until they rebelled against them upon realizing their true, lethal intentions for them (Thragg wanted to kill Omni-Man and his sons since they are the rightful rulers of the Viltrumites, while Frieza wanted to kill the Saiyans out of fear of the potential Super Saiyan) along with the fate of their worlds (Nolan's desertion from his mission marked him to be executed by the Viltrum Empire and going rogue has put his new home of Thraxa at great risk, while Bardock sought revenge against Frieza for the death of his comrades and learning of his plans to annihilate the Saiyan race). Both then soon fought their former leaders until their deaths, but despite this, knew their sons would succeed by defeating their killers. In addition:
- Despite their tough and harsh personalities, both also have wives to whom they show their softer side (Debbie Grayson and Gine, respectively).
Easter Eggs
- One shot in the teaser features the two combatants clashing arms and talking, which greatly resembles the fight intros from Mortal Kombat 1, which features Omni-Man as a playable character.
- This is the 16th Anti-Heroes-themed episode, after Kratos VS Spawn, Vegeta VS Shadow, Ragna VS Sol Badguy, Wolverine VS Raiden, Dante VS Bayonetta, Mewtwo VS Shadow, Wario VS King Dedede, Ghost Rider VS Lobo, Sasuke VS Hiei, Deadpool VS Mask, Winter Soldier VS Red Hood, Venom VS Crona, Hulk VS Broly, Shadow VS Ryuko, and Guts VS Dimitri, and with the next one being Kratos VS Asura.
- This is the 16th Anime/Manga VS Comic Book-themed episode, after Goku VS Superman 1, Goku VS Superman 2, Android 18 VS Captain Marvel, Carnage VS Lucy, Optimus Prime VS Gundam, Genos VS War Machine, Venom VS Crona, Hulk VS Broly, Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash, Saitama VS Popeye, Thor VS Vegeta, Magneto VS Tetsuo, Trunks VS Silver, Frieza VS Megatron, and Goku VS Superman (2023), and with the next one being Simon the Digger VS White Lantern.
- This is the seventh Comic Book VS Movie themed episode, after Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Hulk VS Broly, Iron Fist VS Po, Stitch VS Rocket Raccoon, and Galactus VS Unicron, and with the next one being Hulk VS Godzilla.
- This is the 34th episode to feature a returning combatant, after Zitz VS Leonardo, Batman VS Captain America, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman 2, Pokémon VS Digimon, Mewtwo VS Shadow, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Metal Sonic VS Zero, Thor VS Wonder Woman, Black Panther VS Batman, Ryu VS Jin, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Mega Man Battle Royale, Captain Marvel VS Shazam, Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla, Ganondorf VS Dracula, Deadpool VS Mask, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Venom VS Crona, Hulk VS Broly, Shadow VS Ryuko, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, Link VS Cloud (2021), Batman VS Iron Man, Akuma VS Shao Kahn, Thor VS Vegeta, Boba Fett VS Predator, Excalibur VS Raiden, Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha, Phoenix VS Raven, Guts VS Dimitri, and Goku VS Superman (2023), and with the next five being Bowser VS Eggman, Kratos VS Asura, Aang VS Traveler, Ash VS Yugi, and Hulk VS Godzilla.
- This is the 23rd episode to feature a returning winner, after Zitz VS Leonardo, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Goku VS Superman 2, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Metal Sonic VS Zero, Thor VS Wonder Woman, Black Panther VS Batman, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Ganondorf VS Dracula, Leonardo VS Red Ranger Jason, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman, Venom VS Crona, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, Link VS Cloud (2021), Batman VS Iron Man, Akuma VS Shao Kahn, Thor VS Vegeta, Excalibur VS Raiden, Phoenix VS Raven, Guts VS Dimitri, and Goku VS Superman (2023), and with the next two being Aang VS Traveler and Hulk VS Godzilla.