
Two blue braniacs are fight each other by daylight to determine who is top of the class!

Sailor Mercury VS Blue Ranger is the 93rd episode of DBX, featuring Sailor Mercury from the Sailor Moon series and the Blue Ranger from the Power Rangers series in a battle between intelligent blue heroes.


Ringmaster: Welcome one and all to MY arena where you decide the outcome! No rules, only bloodshed! I am Ringmaster and this is the exhibitiooon!

Ringmaster: And we got a special episode for you today, folks! After being the bigger man, and patching things up between us, I've got two, count 'em, two co-hosts! Reintroducing Wiz and BOOMSTICK!!

Ringmaster runs off screen and things can be heard crashing around before he runs back, holding two cardboard cutouts of Wiz and Boomstick.

Ringmaster: Hey, it's so nice to have you guys back!

Ringmaster (as Boomstick): Same, good buddy! I just got back from drinking a million beers and not being horribly injured by you, boop-pa-doop, I'm Boomstick!

Ringmaster (as Wiz): Uh, actually Boomstick, drinking that many beers would be scientifically impossible. I would know because numbers.

Ringmaster: Ahaha! Oh, you guys! Hey, we got a show to do, so let's talk about our combatants!

Sailor Mercury

Ringmaster: By day she's nerdy Ami Mizuno! But by night she's a badass Sailor Guardian!

Ringmaster (as Boomstick): Or Scout, if you're retro. Despite appearances, these ladies are crazy, stupid powerful! Just like my alcoholism, uh oh!

Ringmaster: Sailor Mercury protects the Earth from alien threats with the power of water!

A chibi Ringmaster and cardboard cutouts of Wiz and Boomstick are standing together, when two aliens come out of a portal and disintegrate them with their strange-looking guns.

Ringmaster: She can shoot high pressure streams, freeze people in solid blocks of ice, or surround the battlefield in mist! And I sure hope you like weird anime attack names, because I've got a hell of a lot for ya! "Shine Aqua Illusion", "Hyperspacial Sphere Generate", "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody"! That last one made no sense whatsoever.

Ringmaster (as Wiz): Uh, actually, it does. Wiz here, it's one of Ami's strongest attacks where she summons a harp, creating a torrent that will obliterate her opponents.

A chibi Ringmaster with Wiz's robot arm and Boomstick's hat is sitting on a stool playing a harp, when a torrent comes opposite him and pushes him away.

Ringmaster: Right as always, Wiz. Just like the three of us, Ami became best of friends with her other Sailor pals and went on to save the universe.

Blue Ranger

Ringmaster: And speaking of teenagers fighting weird aliens, who could be better than the Power Rangers! Named after Heisenberg himself-

Ringmaster (as Wiz): Wiz again. Uh, actually the name Billy Cranston was originally gonna be used for the series Bio-Man, produced a decade earlier so it's not clear that-

Ringmaster: Hahaha! Wiz, never interrupt me. Much like you, Billy Cranston is the resident nerd of these hormonally-challenged protectors of the planet.

Ringmaster (as Boomstick): As the Blue Ranger, Billy pilots the badass Triceratops Dinozord. It's a big dinosaur robot, and I love dinosaurs! And despite startin' off as a wimpin' nerd like Wiz, he's one of the best martial artists on the planet, chickens!

The cardboard cutout of Boomstick briefly flashes into the real Boomstick.

Ringmaster (as Wizard): Uh, actually brains more than make up for brawn. Like me, Billy is incredibly smart, and made even deadlier with his Blade Blaster and Power Lance. Amazing inventions.

The cardboard cutouts of Wiz and Boomstick both repeatedly briefly flash into the real hosts as eerie music plays.


Ringmaster: You two are incorrigible! So, who will win the battle of the blue bookworms? The Sailor Soldier or the Power Ranger? Let's find out now-

Ringmaster (as Boomstick): Hey! I may be an inanimate cardboard cutout but I feel like this is a hostile work environment! Beers, squirrels, my dad!

Ringmaster (as Wiz): Actually, I completely agree. Let's go cardboard Boomstick.

Ringmaster: Guy- guy, no, stop, c'mon, we got a-, this is good, this is working, no! (groan)

Ringmaster struggles with the cardboard cutouts who are falling over on him and 'attempting to leave'.

Ringmaster (as Boomstick): Let's go, c'mon, let's get out of here. Hip hip hip!

He then pushes them off of the stage himself as they 'leave'.

Ringmaster is standing at the bottom of the arena.

Ringmaster: (hysterical) All alone, just me! A-and no one else.. hahaa.. (normal) Well, while I slowly drift into madness, it's time for an exhibitiooon!!!


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Terry Devine-King
by author(s)
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Billy is running across a bridge on a lake when suddenly...

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Mist!

...a large amount of mist forms around the bridge, making him cough.

Sailor Mercury: Shabon Spraaaay!

He looks toward the source of the voice, coming from the edge of the island on the other side of the bridge, when a ball of water flies towards him. He narrowly dodges, and it hits the bridge instead.

Billy Cranston: It's morphin' time! Triceratops!

Billy pulls out his Morpher, transforming him into the Blue Ranger in a flash. The Blue Ranger then proceeds to delivers a flying kick right to the Sailor Guardian's face, sending her crashing through trees as she flies through a forest. She quickly recovers by levitating, while the Blue Ranger flips and jumps across the top of the trees. As Sailor Mercury floats above the trees, the Blue Ranger delivers a punch to her face, followed by a series of blows. Sailor Mercury ends his blows with a single water blast, sending him flying onto the stairs of the park and bouncing off the ground once. The Blue Ranger quickly gets back up, but the Sailor Guardian is already preparing another attack.

Sailor Mercury: Shine Aqua Illusion!

A flurry of balls and beams of water fly toward the Ranger, and although he acrobatically dodges most of them, he gets hit by one orb. He pulls out his Blade Blaster and shoots the rest of the orbs before they can hit him, but is hit by a swiftly delivered kick by Mercury while occupied. He is sent flying across the lake, his body skipping across the water before landing on the island at the end of it. Jumping down the stairs and landing at the opposite edge of the lake, Sailor Mercury prepares yet another attack.

Sailor Mercury: Double Shabon Spraaay Freezing!

Blue Ranger: Power Lance!

An icy wind blows towards the Blue Ranger, causing him to plant his Lance into the ground to hold onto and stop himself from being blown away, though he freezes alongside the lake in the process. Sailor Mercury runs across the frozen lake, but stops in the middle as the Blue Ranger breaks free of the ice.

He very quickly runs towards the Sailor, even catching up to the chunks of ice he blew away. Once he reaches her, he delivers a punch to her face, followed by a series of blows, causing her to yelp in pain. He briefly pauses to fist pump before continuing, delivering an uppercut which launches her into the air before still continuing the assault. However, Sailor Mercury starts retaliating by blocking his hits, before delivering an uppercut which starts her own series of counterattacks. She performs a combination of attacks, including regular hits, a downwards kick, roundhouse kicks, and a water blast.

Sailor Mercury: Shine!

She kicks the Ranger very high, giving him an opportunity to attack.

Blue Ranger: Blade Blaster!

He transforms his Blade Blaster from sword to gun, firing a shot which hits her and momentarily stuns her, before proceeding to dropkick her back down onto the frozen lake and throwing his Power Lance at her.

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!

Summoning her Mercury Harp, Sailor Mercury blocks the Lance by firing a water torrent towards it, hitting the Ranger as well. However, this causes the torrent to redirect itself back towards her, and though she attempts to block it, a large blast is caused by it which knocks both fighters down.

The Sailor gets back up and fires another attack.

Sailor Mercury: (groan) Aqua Mirage!

The Ranger jumps out of the way of the attack, and although the water follows him, he catches his Lance while mid-air, before landing behind Mercury and impaling her, raising her up and letting her be hit by her own water. He disappears his Lance, dusting off his hands as the Sailor spins while falling, then looks straight at the camera while she inexplicably explodes behind him as she hits the ground, in classic Power Rangers style.

The Blue Ranger pants on the ground before he gets back up with difficulty. Sailor Mercury also struggles before getting back up. The Blue Ranger pulls out his Blade Blaster again, but before he can fire, he is surrounded by orbs of water which fly at him, forming a bubble around him and lifting him up into the air.

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Mirage!

She sends many bursts of water into the bubble, inflating the Ranger with water until the bubble turns red and he explodes in a burst of blood. His head bounces past the Scout before she strikes a pose.

True Ending

The Sailor gets back up and fires another attack.

Sailor Mercury: (groan) Aqua Mirage!

The Ranger jumps out of the way of the attack, and although the water follows him, he catches his Lance while mid-air, before landing behind Mercury and impaling her, raising her up and letting her be hit by her own water. He disappears his Lance, dusting off his hands as the Sailor spins while falling, then looks straight at the camera while she inexplicably explodes behind him as she hits the ground, in classic Power Rangers style.

Alternate Ending

The Blue Ranger pants on the ground before he gets back up with difficulty. Sailor Mercury also struggles before getting back up. The Blue Ranger pulls out his Blade Blaster again, but before he can fire, he is surrounded by orbs of water which fly at him, forming a bubble around him and lifting him up into the air.

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Mirage!

She sends many bursts of water into the bubble, inflating the Ranger with water until the bubble turns red and he explodes in a burst of blood. His head bounces past the Scout before she strikes a pose.


(A phone can be heard ringing, before being picked up by the recipient.)

Perfect Cell: Hello.

Ringmaster: Hey, uh, I need a co-host. I hear this is your thing.

Perfect Cell: (laughs) You came to the right android.


  • The core connections between Sailor Mercury and the Blue Ranger are that they are both intelligent high school teenagers, who are a part of a color-coded superhero team along with their friends (the Sailor Guardians and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, respectively), with their color being blue. Both fight against evil monsters in their everyday lives, with the arch-nemesis of their teams being evil witches (Queen Beryl and Rita Repulsa, respectively).
DBX Episodes
Season 1 0 Trish VS Jeanne1 Master Chief VS Jango Fett2 Ronald McDonald VS Colonel Sanders3 Amy Rose VS King Dedede4 Saitama VS Kenshiro5 Sakura VS Rin Tohsaka6 Trunks VS Silver7 Ryu VS Lucario8 Sasuke VS Hiei9 Bruce Lee VS The World10 Spider-Man VS Mikasa11 Jotaro VS Yu12 Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton13 Terry Bogard VS Jon Talbain14 Spawn VS Alucard15 Predator VS Prophet
Season 2 16 Iron Man VS Mega Man X17 Kenshin VS Zoro18 Greninja VS Espio19 Link VS Meta Knight20 Genji VS Raiden21 Guile VS Paul Phoenix22 Raphael VS Wolverine23 Broly VS Doomsday24 Aigis VS Noel Vermillion25 Cloud VS Guts26 Sasuke VS Killua27 Mega Man VS Bomberman28 Mario VS Luigi29 Zero VS Strider30 Iron Fist VS Akuma31 Ken VS Blaziken32 Samus VS Master Chief33 Wii Fit Trainer VS Dhalsim34 Magneto VS Darth Vader35 Vegeta VS Zod36 Alucard VS Demitri37 Noctis VS 2B38 Kratos VS Dante39 Captain Falcon VS Viewtiful Joe40 Goku Black VS Black Adam
Season 3 41 Gambit VS Taskmaster42 Lara Croft VS Jill Valentine43 Krillin VS Tien VS Yamcha44 Chun-Li VS Tifa Lockhart45 Thor VS 100 Pikachu46 Hulk VS Juggernaut47 Blade VS Hellboy48 Luffy VS Mr. Fantastic49 Daredevil VS Kenshi50 Harley Quinn VS Domino51 Akame VS Killua52 Yoshi VS Pac-Man53 Natsu VS Iceman54 Amy VS Sakura55 Juri VS Mileena56 Vergil VS Hakumen57 Chie VS Karin58 Burning Gundam VS Thunder Megazord59 Batman VS Scorpion60 Sasuke VS Ichigo61 Wolverine VS 100 Barakas62 Alucard VS Dio Brando63 Catwoman VS Black Cat64 Ruby Rose VS Ragna the Bloodedge65 Ryu VS Liu Kang66 Bendy VS Cuphead
Season 4 67 Gohan VS Superboy68 D.Va VS Tron Bonne69 Metal Sonic VS Mega Man70 Boa Hancock VS Rider Medusa71 Venom VS Spawn72 Link VS Trunks73 Ezio VS The Prince74 Blake VS Inuyasha75 Frieza VS Mewtwo76 Batman VS Iron Man
Season 5 77 Vegeta VS Thor78 Mulan VS Lucina79 Shantae VS Shovel Knight80 Lucario VS Blaziken81 Goku VS Gon82 Ben 10 VS Danny Phantom83 Kenshin VS Law84 Yang VS Bakugo85 X-Wing VS Arwing86 Superman VS Saitama
Season 6 87 Vegito VS Gogeta88 Ness VS Sans89 Naruto Uzumaki VS Ryu Hayabusa90 Apocalypse VS Black Adam91 Donald VS Daffy92 Zuko VS Roy93 Sailor Mercury VS Blue Ranger94 Palpatine VS Xehanort95 Goomba VS Koopa 2
Scrapped ??? Sun Wukong VS Kim Wu