"Do some research for once, you frauds!" You know, Deadpool has a point. This article is a stub, so how about you help out this wiki by expanding this article?
It's ninjutsu versus magic as these two leading ladies duke it out, arena style!
- —Tagline
Sakura VS Rin Tohsaka is the fifth episode of DBX, featuring Sakura Haruno from the Naruto series and Rin Tohsaka from the Fate/stay night series in a battle between red-clad heroines.
Sakura: Victory is something you earn for yourself!
Rin: Don't be upset. It's not like I'm disappointed in you or anything.
- The connections between Sakura and Rin are that they are both red-clad heroine protagonists who are model students with a tendency to be hostile to others.
- Funnily enough, Rin's sister is also named Sakura.