- —Tagline
X-Wing VS Arwing is the 85th episode of DBX, featuring Fox McCloud and the Arwing from the Star Fox series and the X-wing from the Star Wars series in a battle between heroic starships.
The scene opens with the lights flickering on in the arena and the camera panning over to reveal the large crowd of people watching the show. Ringmaster makes his appearance as he steps onto the main stage and walks towards his microphone which he then grabs in order to properly introduce himself to his audience.
Ringmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MY Arena where there's no rules, no research, only bloodshed! I am Ringmaster! Your announcer, your host extraordinaire for this extravaganza! And let me welcome you, to, the EXHIBITION!!! In today's match, we have two mechanical-morphing flying machines! In one atmosphere, we have the transforming, multi-faceted talking animal transporter, the ARWING!!! And from a galaxy far, far, away, we have the Death Star-killing, Tie Fighter-exploding, one laser shooting, X-WING!!!
Ringmaster: Now let's take a peek at what makes these two fighters can do! Get it? Like the jet, not the... eh, whatever. So basically, you're minding your business which is wrecking your opponent at Smash 64, pile-driving them into this big old transport ship...
We cut to Ringmaster in his arena.
Ringmaster: And then a freaking Arwing swoops in, pew pew, you get it, at like 30 freaking percent! When it's not hazing hand-to-hand combatants...
We see an animation of Ringmaster piloting an Arwing as the jet forms a shield, along with smart bombs and spins away.
Ringmaster: It breaks out the shields, smart bombs, barrel rolls, and so many transformations! Spacecraft, tank, mech-walker thing... I mean, there's a reason the Star Fox crew sticks with their trusty all-in-one air, space, and land combat vehicle. But let's not neglect the X-Wing, shall we? Because that's how you get this familiar episode. Now, imagine being an evil space wizard with a technological terror that can smash planets like ping-pong balls. Suddenly, this pipsqueak of a Fighter zips in, locks it's foils of an attack position, and fires an explosive straight-up your oscillator uninvited! The X-Wing has gone through several model upgrades and not only has it got a sweet new coat of paint...
We see an animation of Ringmaster piloting a black-and-yellow X-Wing as it brings out missile launchers which it fires eight of.
Ringmaster: But it can carry eight plug-in torpedoes for even more Proton Pack pow! So will we see some awesome aerial dog-fighting from a fox? Does someone have a bad feeling about this? Heh, I sure don't! So, without further ado, let the exhibition BEGIN!!!
- The connections between the X-wing and the Arwing are that they are both the primary starships of heroic groups (the Rebel Alliance and Star Fox, respectively). Both also have "wing" in their names.
- The episode incorrectly capitalizes the "w" in "X-wing".
- Despite the X-wing having the top-billing in the title, the Arwing holds top-billing everywhere else, being on the left side of the original thumbnail and having its analysis come first, though the thumbnail would later be updated in late November of 2024 to reflect the title.
- This is the first episode where this has happened, with the next one being Vegito VS Gogeta.